Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christies' Hat.

Made Christies' new hat this morning. Was going to maybe attach the flower on the top, but we went with the side instead. So I guess depending on how she puts on her hat, she will have a flower on it somewhere. :)

The yarn is Thick and Quick Chenille by Lion Brand. Apparently this is a colour that isn't available anymore. The colour doesn't show true on the image taking with my phone.

I should also mention that I ripped this hat apart 7 times yesterday trying to find a pattern I liked. Ended up going with this one from Lion Brand. Took the flower design from another pattern Lion Brand offers for a children's hat.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

For Sanya:

The booklet is from Leisure Arts, called Luxurious Afghans. It is the one shown on the cover. Simple Times is the name of the pattern.

The yarn I used was the Cotton Ease by Lion Brand.

I made an Almond one with a row of Lime around the border. A Stone one with a row of Violet around the border, Lake is the colour of Sharons' and mine is going to be Violet with a row of Stone around the edge.

It actually works up rather quickly.

and the SnuggleBunny!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

By the way, I finished Sharons' blanket a few days ago. Now I have begun work on mine. Same pattern, same yarn, different colour. Mine is going to be done in Violet.

A snuggle bunny!

Started working this one on Tuesday night. Completed her arms, and body. and portion of an ear. Wednesday afternoon, I did the rest. And then last night assembly began of my snuggle bunny.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Busy Busy Busy.

Started Sharon's blanket over. *sigh* Changed yarn and everything.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Tomorrow I should be ready to start the border on the third blanket made this summer. Not counting the baby blanket.

Neckwarmer is done. Funny how you find a pattern and it just isn't right. So you work it, improvise and then when done you find another. Never mind that you spent a day or so looking for another similar pattern. Only to find one almost identical and makes more sense. Argh.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Found my next project following the many blankets I am working on.

Convertible Neck Warmer.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Just because I think it is funny...


When I went shopping the other night and was gone for 2 hrs:

I was apparently gone *so* long that when I pulled into the drive way at 8, I was talking to Sanya... Sarah was calling me on the other cell phone. She was panicking... she really thought I had been abducted or something. S said Corey and Sarah were both worried sick about me. Needless to say, they yelled at me when I got home.

I didn't see the need to answer the phone when sitting in the driveway, but when I walked in, the kids were screeching, Maaa-ohm! Why didn't you answer? Where have been? We were worried sick. Sarah: I thought you were abducted or something, and when I laughed, I am serious, she said.

Man, I feel like I came home late from a date or something? Missed my curfew, maybe?

Maybe watching Without a Trace, CSI: Miami and Law & Order (all varieties) is not such a good thing all the time.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Todays project. Worms in the Grass... better than frogs in the house but that is another story.

I bought the Vanna Choice yarn by Lionbrand last night. That is what the pattern called for. Didn't like the feel of the yarn. We all know how much I like cotton. And what is a project without me redoing it in some wee way?

So, I happened to have laying in one of my many hat boxes of yarn, some 100% cotton, sage and tan.

Not sure about this pattern. I made the hat for a 6-12 month size but it doesn't appear to be that big.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Found a Joann's near me today, decided to go forth adventuring to find it. It is only supposed to be about 4 miles further down 50 past the Michaels.

I finally find it. Sadness. It has a huge sign across the front that says STORE CLOSING. I call Sharon, and tell her, but then I decide, maybe just maybe they will have some yarn on sale, that I like, and I will buy it all. *laughs*

Little did I know... but... they had the yarn that Sarah had chosen for her blanket. Lionbrand Homespun, Williamsburg. It was the only yarn in there that I liked, and that there was enough of the one color. A sign reads: buy 12 or more and get 70% off.

So I got her yarn. $58+ worth of yarn, for only $17.96. Weee!

Off to Borders bookstore: Pick up the next two books in the No 1 Detective Agency Series by Alexander McCall Smith. Books 4 & 5.

Michaels in same shopping plaza: One tiny little skein of Bamboo yarn. Oo! I love this yarn. Going to make a Baby hat with it.
Also, the yarn needed to make the Worms in the Grass hat.

All in all, a good evening. My yearning to touch more yarn has been satisfied even tho I didn't find the yarn I went to look for.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Watched a movie yesterday afternoon. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Really not an easy movie to watch, when planning to crochet at the same time. I refuse to watch it in anything but Mandarin, and well.. since I don't speak Mandarin... you get the idea! *laughs* So I didn't crochet nearly as much as I could have.

Today, I indulged myself in 4. Went grocery shopping very early this morning. Picked up two new (to me) movies. Finding Neverland. What a fantastic movie. Didn't know it would make me cry tho. Then to combat the sad feelings I watched 3 more movies. I did get a-lot crocheted on Sharon's blanket, but I did not get my nap.

Here it is so far. I did 5 rows pink, one blue, tan blue then more pink. I decided instead of repeating the blue tan blue I would just do a single row of blue then next time tan. When doing the 3 together is really adds a lot of yarn to hide in such a small area. It is likely doubled in size since I took the picture the other day.

Just for the curious, the rip count on this blanket is twice now. I am on Take 3. *smiles*

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Choosing a name for this blog!

I have to thank Sanya for her suggestion of a name. At first, I couldn't begin to understand why on earth she would suggest Froggin' in Florida for a blog name for my crochet exploits. That is, until today when she replied back, that the reason I had to use the name was because of the sound a frog makes.

Rip it! Rip it!

*laughing* That is perfect. I think that it is a wonder I ever complete a project at all. I spend more time ripping out the rows I have done!

So here it is.